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Volunteer Stories

Celebrating our volunteers

The Gap Centre volunteers are a integral part of our Charity, without their support and the time that they give so selflessly The Gap would not be able to continue our community work. From Admin to litter picking, tea making to event support, we appreciate every second our volunteers can spare. Below are a few of our volunteer stories as well as pictures from our first Volunteer Celebration.


Meet Jacqueline 

Jacqueline volunteers in our community café, from day one she was organised, helpful and full of energy. We love to see how the team in the kitchen work together and we can always hear Jac's laughter in the back ground.


Jacqueline says..

I decided to volunteer when I retired from work as I had some time to spare. I saw the request on Facebook and went along to see Louise (volunteer coordinator). I felt so comfortable at the interview that I knew it was the place for me. I help out in the kitchen on Wednesdays and work alongside a great team made up of Ashley, Kirsty and Tim. I thoroughly enjoy my couple of hours there and get to meet a lot of nice people.  


Meet Sonia

Sonia is one of our most regular volunteers and group members. She started by supporting Afterschool club doing arts and crafts with the children before Covid. Now she attends lots of groups and volunteers at least twice a week. She as always on time, full of smiles and is always available for a shoulder to lean on as well as having us in stitches at times. 


Sonia says...

Hi I'm Sonia, I'm 44 and live in Wednesbury with my husband and son. I started volunteering at The Gap to help with my anxiety and depression. It has helped me so much. I have made some good friends. I truly enjoy helping other people whether its helping out at Parent and Toddler or just making a cuppa and having a chat with someone at FUSE friendship group



Meet Irena

Irena came to us for support and to gain experience while looking for work. She is now one of our most regular volunteers. Helping at gardening group and table top sales as well as doing one shift per week during afterschool club to gain experience with the children. She has completed her safeguarding awareness and will soon be doing First Aid Training. Full of energy and happy to help with anything, she is a good friend to everyone as well as being a very talented artist.


Irena says...

Hi I'm Irena. I am volunteering at The Gap Centre because I want to improve my communication and social skills. I enjoy the supportive and friendly community. This community has helped me realise I need to be more social and improve my English. I picked the Gap because of the very kind and helping people



Meet Maria

Maria is one of our newer volunteers. Its lovely to see her smiling face every Wednesday, turning up no matter what the weather to help keep our area clean which I'm sure the local community appreciate. Maria has also completely our safeguarding awareness session and is keen to be involved with the community.


Maria says...

Hi I'm Maria, volunteering is something I have always wanted to do once time and family commitments allowed. The Gap being a local based centre supporting the community was the perfect place.

The Gap are so welcoming and made it so easy to get started. Since Feb 2022 I have volunteered for 2 hours a week litter picking in the local area. I enjoy the fresh air, exercise, good company and the satisfaction at the end of a job well done. We also laugh a lot even when its raining. I am really pleased that I took that first step and contacted Louise.


Meet Joan

Joan is one of our long standing volunteers, she is an asset to the community helping at our local events and litter picking weekly. I know she has a very busy life with family needs and Beavers so we are very grateful for the time she gives up to support our charity.


Joan says...

I'm Joan. I attend the Gospel Blue Ribbon Mission and for a number of years we have had a connection with The Gap, so when I decided that I wanted to give something back to the community, The Gap was my first choice.
I know the Gap helps many people and that's something I wanted to support. Helping at the different events is very enjoyable, you have the opportunity to make new friends and have fun.
Each week I take part in litter picking, it is so rewarding to look at a tidy area after we have removed the rubbish.
Litter picking gets you outdoors in the fresh air, you make new friends its good exercise and you get to meet people from the local community...its very worthwhile.


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Meet Tim and Jacqueline

Both Jacqueline and Tim are long standing volunteers at The Gap Centre. Jacqueline is always willing to help at our special monthly events, whether its decorating the room, planning or most importantly organising food which i know she really enjoys!!!. You will also find her holed up in the office with Andy as she's also employed to do accounts.

Tim will be a face many of you recognise. Tim used to run our Community Cafe before Covid and cook all our breakfasts. He now supports Kirsty in the kitchens on a Wednesday and helps with Jacqueline to cater at events. 


Jacqueline says...

Hi I am Jacqueline, I volunteer at The Gap helping at events that we do for the community and Gap supporters. I really enjoy being part of the vision of what we are trying to achieve.


Volunteer Celebration Day

a time to appreciate and award our volunteers for all their hard work

In 2022 we held our first Volunteer Celebration. This gave The Gap Centre a chance to thank and give back to our wonderful volunteers, with a free buffet, music, and awards. This will now

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