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The Gap Gardening Group

Cancelled until Spring 2023

Join the fun and enjoy the outdoors
Every Friday 12pm - 2pm

We are always looking for people in the community to join in and help look after our gardens. We are currently doing garden maintenance and planning outdoor projects as well as growing our own flowering plants and vegetables in our green house which we will sell to raise money for our Charity.


We have recently acquired a local Allotment plot, so over the coming weeks we will be looking for volunteers to support us with tidying, digging and getting the area ready for the summer.  


The Gap Gardens

Enjoy the sunshine and great outdoors

Grow Your Own

Our volunteers have been busy planting in our greenhouse, so we will lots of lovely plants to sell on during the summer months

seeds growing
raised plant bed

Raised Beds

we are working together to clear areas to grow our own vegetables and herbs

Volunteer Opportunities

If you would like to help, come along every Friday between 12pm and 2pm or contact for more details

Volunteer Team

The Gap Allotments

Can you help support us?


Our Allotment

We need to start cleaning out the shed for our carpenter to fix up for storage

New Starts

Its been a few years since this area has been turned over, so we plan to clear the whole site ready for planting

Volunteering options

If you can support us in any way please contact or ring the office on 0121 525 4442 for more information

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